Free Sample? Day For It.

Meet Middy - the ultra low carb mid-strength.
Received a free sample in your HelloFresh box? Liked what you tried?
Take the flyer that's inside your HelloFresh box into your nearest BWS, hand it over to a staff member at the checkout so they can scan the barcode, and you can pick up a 6pack for only $10 (RRP $18).
Offer available until Nov 30, 2024 and subject to availability in-store.

Received a free sample of Better Cider in your HelloFresh box? Liked what you tried?
Take the flyer that's inside your HelloFresh box into your nearest BWS, hand it over to a staff member at the checkout so they can scan the barcode, and you can pick up a 6pack for only $14 (RRP $22).
Offer available until Nov 30, 2024 and subject to availability in-store.